Distinctive Technological Approach

Enabled by recent advances in genetic engineering, Terragia starts with thermophilic microorganisms representative of nature’s best hemicellulose and cellulose fermenters, and develops strains that produce desired products well.

The conventional approach is to start with yeast and other microbes that are good at producing products and engineer them to utilize cellulose and hemicellulose.

A growing body of research suggests that the Terragia approach has substantial advantages and is likely to be the most cost-effective for some important applications.

By taking advantage of the superior feedstock-utilizing capability of thermophiles, we envision biomass processing with no added enzymes and with milling during fermentation (cotreatment) in lieu of thermochemical pretreatment.

C-CBP Radically Different, Inspired by Nature

C-CBP Avoids steps responsible for the high cost of conventional technology

Distinctive Features

Better biology. Anaerobic thermophiles are much more effective than commercial enzymes

Process consolidation. Fewer steps = lower cost

Cotreatment. Avoids liabilities of pretreatment – inhibitors, yield loss, high carbon intensity, operational challenges

Competitive with fossil fuels & carbon-negative

Compared to the conventional approach

8X shorter payback period

Feasibility at 10X smaller scale

Cost competitive with fossil fuels

Conventional technology featuring thermochemical pretreatment and added fungal cellulase.
Fully developed C-CBP analyzed with NREL coauthors (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copbio.2017.03.008)