Terragia Receives U.S. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency Support for Development of Advanced Biofuels

Terragia Biofuel, Inc. is one of three projects that will advance biofuel development and support U.S. leadership in energy and emissions innovation.

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $6 million in funding for three projects that will advance biofuel development and support U.S. leadership in energy and emissions innovation. Funded through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the projects will support research to improve performance and reduce costs of high-impact biofuel production technologies; scale up production systems with industry; and support the U.S bioeconomy. Located in three states, the projects will support DOE's Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Grand Challenge goals by developing biofuel technologies that use sustainable biomass and waste feedstocks. 

Biofuels are liquid fuels produced from renewable biological sources, including feedstocks such as plants and algae. When responsibly sourced, U.S. biofuel production can help strengthen the rural economy, move the U.S. toward greater energy independence, and support domestic production of cleaner fuels.

Read the full article on Energy.gov here.


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