Using better biology to unlock
low-carbon biofuels

Transportation energy will always include liquid fuels.
Globally, every year, billions of tons of leftover crop residues and perennial crops can be converted into clean energy - enough to supply over half of our transportation needs, especially for difficult-to-electrify modes like air, marine and long-haul trucking.
Terragia's mission is to make low-carbon transportation a reality.
Terragia is developing and deploying disruptive technology to convert cellulosic biomass to ethanol, other fuels, and co-products at a cost competitive with petroleum.
Consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) with co-treatment using engineered thermophilic bacteria is a new paradigm in biofuels. CBP increases revenue, reduces capital expenses, eliminates bioprocessing steps — and ultimately cost-effectively produces biofuels.
Terragia’s technology has been developed by teams led by Dr. Lee Lynd, bioenergy expert and Terragia CTO and Co-Founder.
Dr. Lynd directs labs at Dartmouth College’s Thayer School of Engineering and the University of Campinas (Brazil) with support from the US Department of Energy’s Center for Bioenergy Innovation and Bioenergy Science Center, the Sao Paulo Research Foundation, the SBIR programs of the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation, the Link Foundation, and industry partners.